Sunday, January 10, 2016

Weekends are Harder

I posted Friday's blog entry on Saturday morning, then I forgot to post Saturday's entry! I am learning that keeping up with posting is harder on the weekends when my schedule is different.

This post will cover Saturday and today, so I can be back on track. 

Yesterday we took our four kids plus an extra (Sam's best friend) to Chuck E Cheese. We were there all day and I made several questionable food choices. Then we came home, ate dinner, and my mom and her husband came for a visit. After they left I didn't do much else, just watched a little TV and went to bed. 

I guess my good food decision for the day was to stop eating after dinner. I did no exercise. I nurtured myself by reading my library book. And as you know, I didn't do my daily blog entry. I'll get better at being on top of things on the weekends!

Today I went to church (my nurturing for the day), and the weather was so bad that on the drive home I decided not to go back out to grocery shop. I've been home all day since we got back.

I did some work around the house, hung out with Frank and the kids, but did no exercise.

I'm doing my blog post now, and my good food choice for the day is to stop eating after dinner. I'll see you tomorrow, I'm going to the gym to run. Have a good Sunday night!

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